

Join our Cacao Ceremony and indulge in a soul-nourishing practice that traces its roots to ancient civilizations.

As you sip the rich elixir, crafted from pure indigenous cacao, journey within the sacred sanctuary of your own heart.

Connect deeply, awaken your divine wisdom, and feel the loving embrace of your soul.

Rebirth & Transformation

Candlelight Cacao Ceremony 


Mar 24

⏰  6:00 PM ~ 8:30 PM
📍  Cris & Madalina's Home
411 W Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE, Bellevue WA

Join us for a Heart Opening Cacao Ceremony dedicated to igniting the power of our spirit to support the  Rebirth and Transformation that we are ready for. We’ll gather in community in the healing circle of our ceremony to drink pure indigenous Cacao, known to be a powerful heart opener to journey into depths of our Heart. In the sacred sanctuary of our heart, we’ll deepen our remembrance and connection to the light of our soul, release any barriers to our expansion, to allow the rebirth of our purest & most authentic essence to manifest. 

The sacred gathering will include heart grounding rituals, invocation of the Nahual of the day, based on Mayan Cosmology, powerful guided meditation to reconnect into your expanded higher self, all within the healing circle of our soulful community. Whether you’re seeking to release old wounds, ignite fresh inspiration, or deeper connection to your higher self, this evening offers a safe and loving space for rebirth and connection. We look forward to sharing the magic of cacao with you and celebrating the power of transformation in the loving embrace of our Open Heart Community.


Bring the Magic of Cacao Ceremony to Your Home

We are thrilled to share the same ceremonial-grade cacao we use in our gatherings. Our cacao is sourced through a close friend, who works directly with indigenous tribes. These tribes cultivate and process the cacao in traditional, honoring ways, preserving its sacred energy and heart-opening power.

We’re also working sourcing another sacred cacao from our shaman friend—stay tuned!

Click below to order and use our discount code CACAOLOVE for a special discount, a gift of gratitude!

Order Ceremonial Cacao



Cacao Ceremony

Join us for a magical Cacao Ceremony, a soul nourishing ritual that dates back to ancient civilizations. Cacao, long revered as the food of the Gods, is a beautiful heart opener.

During the ceremony, we gather together in community to drink the rich elixir of pure indigenous Cacao. You’ll be guided in a blissful meditation to tune out of the outside world and tune in to your inner self. You’ll journey within the sacred sanctuary of your own Heart and deepen your sense of Presence.

The spirit (or medicine) of cacao aids in softening any layers of conditioning and stress that block us from our heart, allowing us to drop into the depth of our soul. In this sacred space, we activate the power of our Intuition and hear the whispers to our deepest answers, discovering the truth that resides deep within us.

The ceremony fosters a sense of unity and deep soulful connection with others, where masks and layers are shed in favor of vulnerability and authenticity. We open up to experience our true nature, celebrating gratitude and abundance. It’s an invitation to step into a realm where love is the medicine, where we can embrace our own wisdom and power, and where we can collectively nurture a more heart centered life.


Top 10 Benefits of Cacao

1. Opens Your Heart:  Cacao is a powerful heart opener, helps to dissolve away layers of conditioning and stresses that often stand in the way between us and our deepest selves. As you expand in the loving embrace of your heart, you connect with your Intuition and hear your higher guidance and inner Truth.
2. Enhances Your Meditation:  Experience profound presence and heightened states of consciousness with cacao as your guide, deepening your meditation journey.

3. Connection to Your Higher Self:  As you open your heart, you have a higher capacity to feel and embody your spiritual higher self. A deeper connection to your higher self grounds you into your innate Power, Resilience and Higher Purpose.

4. Improves Cardiovascular Health:  The high concentration of antioxidants produce vasodilation, which reduces blood pressure, increases HDL (the good cholesterol) and improves insulin resistance. All of these lower the risk of heart disease.

5. Natural Anti-Inflammatory:  Combat inflammation and aging with the potent antioxidants in cacao, safeguarding your body and promoting overall well-being.

6. Reduces stress and Anxiety:  With its high polyphenol content, cacao naturally lowers cortisol levels, detoxifies your body, and uplifts your spirit, offering a welcomed break from life's stresses.

7. Improves and Elevates Your Mood:  Cacao is a natural mood booster, releasing serotonin and anandamide – the bliss neurotransmitters – to lift your spirits and shift out of stressful emotions into heartfull ones.

8. Enhances Brain Function:  Flavanols in cacao enhance brain blood flow, sharpening focus, memory, and cognitive abilities. Essential minerals like magnesium and zinc further support brain health and may reduce the risk of neuro-inflammation and stroke.

9. Peace and Relaxation:  Find tranquility with cacao's calming properties, thanks to its polyphenols and magnesium, which relax your nervous system and invite a deeper sense of peace.

10. Creativity and Clarity:  Journey from mind to heart with cacao, unlocking your creative potential and receiving clear guidance as you align more closely with your heart's wisdom.

The Beauty of Ceremony


Ceremonies, especially with cacao, transcend mere rituals to become transformative experiences. They are sacred acts connecting us to the greater whole, bridging the tangible with the divine, and elevating the ordinary to the extraordinary.

At the core of cacao ceremonies is the ancient power of ritual. For millennia, cacao has been revered not just as an elixir but as a sacred means for connection and transformation. These ceremonies blend ancient traditions and personal reflection, where the sacred cacao opens hearts and forges unity with your higher self.

In these gatherings, we embrace a shared journey of introspection and empathy, reconnecting with the sacred heart language. Cacao ceremonies offer a slowing down from our fast-paced world, reminding us of the deep bonds of humanity and the joy of collective healing and connection.

Join the Ceremony

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